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Fluttering Into the Future: DevCycle's Flutter SDK Changes Feature Management for Mobile Teams

Victor Vucicevich


DevCycle's Flutter SDK

Introducing the newest game-changer in mobile development - DevCycle's Flutter SDK/Plugin for feature flag management! With this powerful tool, modern mobile teams using Flutter can easily experiment with new features and ideas while minimizing risk. The SDK utilizes DevCycle's Client SDK APIs to perform all user segmentation and bucketing, providing lightning-fast response times with the help of globally distributed edge workers.

Gone are the days of clunky and complex feature management. With the SDK available as a package on Pub and as open source on GitHub, teams can easily integrate it into their projects and start seeing results. DevCycle's Flutter SDK/Plugin empowers teams to target new features to internal QA teams, roll out features to a larger audience by percentage, demographics, geography, or any other metric, and easily kill features with a single click. This allows teams to experiment with new features and ideas while minimizing risk, leading to a more successful app or business.

DevCycle spokesperson Vic Vuci said, "I wanted to bring feature flags in an easy and fast way to modern teams that build with tools such as Flutter. Our Flutter SDK/Plugin makes it simple for teams to get up and running with feature flag management in no time."

What is Flutter and Why DevCycle Built the Plugin

Flutter is a powerful open-source framework for building cross-platform applications.  It allows for the creation of natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop using a single codebase, and has become the leading cross-platform development SDK in recent years.

The framework utilizes the Dart programming language and provides a reactive programming model, making it easy to build high-performing and responsive user interfaces. Flutter is becoming increasingly popular among mobile development teams due to its ability to speed up the development process and achieve consistent performance across different platforms. With its powerful features, flutter is a great choice for building cross-platform applications.

The DevCycle Flutter SDK/Plugin is a tool that allows teams using Flutter to take advantage of feature flagging. Feature flagging is a technique that allows teams to safely release new features to a subset of users, rather than all users, by controlling the availability of a feature with a flag. This allows teams to test new features, fix bugs, and experiment with different ideas without affecting the entire user base.

DevCycle created the Flutter SDK/Plugin to support modern mobile teams using Flutter in their development process. The SDK offers a convenient way for teams to test new features and ideas without putting their entire user base at risk. Using the SDK, teams can target new features to internal QA teams, roll out features to a larger audience based on criteria like percentage, demographics, geography, and more. In case of any issues, teams can also easily disable the feature with a single click. The SDK enables teams to experiment with new features and ideas while minimizing risk, ultimately leading to a more successful app or business.

Getting Started with DevCycle's Flutter SDK/Plugin

Getting started with DevCycle's Flutter SDK/Plugin is a breeze. To begin, you'll need to add the SDK to your Flutter project. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Flutter CLI: To add the SDK to your project, simply run the command "flutter pub add devcycle_flutter_client_sdk" in your project's root directory.
  2. Pub Spec: You can also add the SDK to your project by adding the following to your pubspec.yaml file: devcycle_flutter_client_sdk: ^1.0.0

Then, run the command "flutter pub get" to download the package.

Once the SDK is added to your project, you'll need to initialize it.

After this, head to the Flutter Docs for more info on how to initialize the SDK!

Not a DevCycle user yet? Head to to get unlock the power of feature flags and Flutter in your workflow.

Written By

Victor Vucicevich